How To Approach Your Painting And Writing
Muse Messages Newsletter
by Catherine White-Gardner
How To Approach Your Painting And Writing
What you see is not a picture
What you read is not a sentence
Soften your focus.
It’s a discovery
A conversation with self,
It’s Art!
From the Eye of the Heart.
Instead, read the strokes,
Follow where they lead.
Feel into their energy.
Is it angry, afraid, anxious, or pleasant?
Or is the line you follow unclear,
interested in finding useful information from the shapes around it?
Let the guidance come.
Follow your intuition.
Let the next step come as guidance from within.
That’s why I like Haiku so much.
The 13 syllable structure holds words as they land.
Words don’t necessarily need to form a sentence or paragraph.
But taking them as they are, in new relationship to each other,
they form the art, the message, a discovery.
Your artist self makes the rules.
May the light of the Moon illuminate your life.
May the light of the Moon illuminate the wisdom within you.
And remember, if things don’t work out as expected,
there is information on the side we don’t see tonight, that carries unknown information. ©cwg
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